Sunday, February 8, 2009

How do your serve your God?

Every religious belief carries with it devotion to God? How do you show devotion?

1 comment:

  1. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon)

    We serve God in various ways, each of which shows that we are willing to become like Him.

    1) We serve our fellow men. Jesus Christ spent His life serving, and we need to do the same. We need to lift up the hands that hang down, and comfort those who stand in need of comfort.
    2) Help others come to Christ. We need to be missionaries to spread the great news of the gospel that helps us understand our purpose in life.
    3) Those who have passed beyond the veil who did not have an opportunity to know God will be given an opportunity in the spirit world. Jesus Christ himself taught these spirits after His death and that instruction continues even today. When those people accept the gifts that God has given them, ordinances such as baptism and the sealing of families must be performed for them here on earth. These ordinances are performed in temples on behalf of those who have passed on, giving them all opportunities for Eternal Life if they will accept it. This is what Malachi was referring to in those last two critical verses in the Old Testament. We have responsibilities to our fathers, and they are depending on us.


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